
Prikazuju se postovi od siječanj, 2021

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - MILA MIHAJLOVIĆ: I have experienced pain due to stereotypical perceptions of a woman's body and appearance! (Part 2/4)

  1)Mila, you are a big activist when it comes to breaking down prejudices about weight and body appearance. Tell us something more about that! Dear Belma, I became an activist in this domain at the moment when I realized that we are all unique beings who possess exceptional beauty, which is different from everybody else. Namely, during my growing up, I was served the stereotypical appearance of a girl, and then a young woman, and the outside environment put constant pressure on me because I did not belong to that pattern. With my appearance, I did not belong to the typical, established construction of female beauty, and that was presented as a difficulty to me. People have warned me that I will have problems with my job when I grow up because the employer will most likely hire a girl who is more attractive to me, and that I will also have problems with men because I will be rejected by most because I am not slender. All of these comments, prejudices, and conclusions have contrib...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - MILA MIHAJLOVIĆ: Ja sam iskusila bol zbog stereotipnih percepcija na žensko telo i izgled! (Part 2/4)

  1) Mila, ti si velika aktivistica kad je u pitanju rušenje predrasuda o kilaži i izgledu tijela. Reci nam nešto više o tome! Draga Belma, ja sam aktivistkinja u tom domenu postala onog trenutka kada sam shvatila da smo mi svi unikatna bića koja poseduju iznimnu lepotu, koja je različita od svih drugih. Naime, meni se tokom mog samog odrastanja servirao stereotipan izgled jedne devojčice, a potom devojke, te je spoljašna sredina vršila konstantan pritisak na mene jer nisam pripadala tom šablonu. Sa svojim izgledom nisam pripadala tipičnoj, ustaljenoj konstrukciji ženske lepote, te je to predstavljalo poteškoću. Ljudi su me upozoravali da ću imati problema sa poslom kad odrastem jer će poslodavac najverovatnije zaposliti neku devojku koja je zgodnija na oko od mene, te da ću tako takođe imati problema sa muškarcima jer ću biti odbačena od većine jer nisam vitka. Svi ti komentari, predrasude i zaključci su doprineli tome da ja postanem okrutna prema sebi i takođe su doprineli tome...

Nicolò Passaro, Italy: I live a life based on two seemingly contrasting role models, Leonardo Da Vinci and Antonio Casanova!

  1. Hi Nicol ò, how are you? I would kindly ask you to introduce yourself to the Bellspiration readers. It's always hard for me to describe myself in a few words. I am a writer, a journalist, a researcher, and actually an Intern for FAOU University and finally an activist for Peace and Justice. I am a Climate Change Specialist also, official recognized by Erasmus. I am an eclectic person with a strong passion for Science, Art, Education, Culture, and if dedicated to the SDGs as well. 2. You have participated in different summits, conferences, symposia, and training sessions on a wide variety of topics. How can you summarize your experiences?  I notice a strong desire on the part of young people to want to get involved, to want to change things, and to want to be useful to a difficult world. That's a great thing. On the other hand, what I notice is a general work in progress, as there are different visions and interpretations among young people of how they should act and...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - IVANA ŠĆEPANOVIĆ: Život stjuardese - Mi ćemo prije spasiti živote svih putnika u avionu, pa tek poslije ćemo misliti o nama samima! (Part 2/4)

  1) Život stjuardese – uvijek nasmijana, uvijek tu da pomogne, sate provodi među oblacima na nebu, život u koferu, rani i kasni letovi… Ivana, možeš li nam opisati i približiti taj magični stil života? Koliko god ovaj posao zvučao bajno i filmski, ovaj posao zahtijeva puno odricanja. Tako ću početi. Volim svoj posao i od prvog dana sam bila zaljubljena u ovaj posao, ali kao i sve i ovaj posao ima svoje dobre i loše strane. Činjenica je da moraš napustiti svoju porodicu i mislim da mi je na početku to bilo najteže, ali kako uvijek kažem, roditelji su mi dali krila da poletim, a i korijenje da se uvijek mogu vratiti. Kad odeš negdje,u drugi kraj tad borba počinje i imaš dvije opcije da se boriš sam sa sobom i svime što se vrti u tvojoj glavi ili da odustaneš. Kako se više boriš svaki korak postaje lakši. Tako je i meni bilo. Svaki mjesec dobijemo raspored i svaki dan imaš drugi let. Nekada po danu možeš imati čak i po 4 leta. Svaki dan ustajem 3 sata prije pickupa za odlazak na ae...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - IVANA ŠĆEPANOVIĆ: Stewardess life - We will save the lives of all the passengers on the plane first, and only then will we think about ourselves! (Part 2/4)

  1)Life of an air hostess- always smiling, always here to help, spending hours between clouds on the sky, life in luggage, early and late flights… Ivana, can you describe to us and bring that magic lifestyle of yours closer? As fabulous and as cinematic as this job may sound, this job requires a lot of sacrifices. That's how I'll start. I love my job and from the first day I was in love with this job but like everything and this job has its bad and good sides. The fact that you have to leave your family and I think that was the hardest thing for me at the beginning, but as I always say, my parents gave me wings to take off and roots so I can always come back. When you go somewhere, to the other end then the fight begins and you have two options to fight with yourself and everything that goes on in your head or to give up. As you fight harder, each step becomes easier. So it was with me. Every month we get a schedule and every day you have a different flight, sometimes you ca...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - DESANTILA MURIQI: Youth activism is the key to creating the future that we, the youth, want (Part 2/4)

  1) Dear Des, you had an idea about the Positivity Challenge and it shows as a very successful project. Congrats! How does it feel to see how your idea is transforming into reality?   With Përdit'20, I aimed to raise the positivity within our group, Leo Club Peja, and then to raise the impact by expanding our community. All of the participants in the meeting agreed and as such, we decided to start with this activity, where we would have no restriction nor border. We did not want to let the physical distancing separate us anymore. We wanted to be there for each other. Then everything started clicking in a place like a domino effect. The members liked the idea and we proceeded to host the first positivity challenge organized by Përdit'20. I was thoroughly touched and astonished by how much Përdit'20 had motivated all of us. Watching the energy transition. Seeing the faces of the members convert from one of disappointment from our initial meeting, to now a full room of memb...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - MIHAIL DIVJAKOSKI: I guess I was always interested in other stuff more than most of my peers (Part 1/4)

  1) Dear Mihail, we tie youth activism, philanthropy, student exchanges to you... But who is really Mihail, what does he dream about, what does he like and what does he do? For the readers of the Bellspiration blog, introduce yourself, so we can all get to know you. Starting off with some hard questions I see, haha. Well, Mihail is a 22 years old guy that lives in a small village between the cities Krushevo and Prilep, named Krusheani, in the south-west part of Macedonia. If you decide to visit Macedonia, you’d be pretty amazed by all that we, as a country, have to offer but after spending some time here, you’ll start feeling and seeing our flaws as people, as mentality, as a community. Now, Macedonia is still pretty filled up with a conservative mentality, especially if you find yourself living in a rural environment. What I am, who I am, is a result of everything I have been through and experienced over both periods as a high school and university student. I guess I was alwa...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - DESANTILA MURIQI: When I was a kid, I wanted to be a President (Part 1/4)

  1) Dear Desantila, we tie activism, optimism, Positivity Challenge to you ... But who is really Desantila, what does she dream about, what does she love and what does she do? For the readers of the Bellspiration blog, introduce yourself, so we can all get to know you. Hi hi 😊 I am Desantila, from Kosovo. If I were to describe myself in three words, those would be Open-Minded, Ambitious, and Rebellious 😊  I speak five languages and hold a great passion for culture and international relations. I am also a lover of science and nature. I utilize my curious character to volunteer for numerous organizations, having traveled across Europe on a number of projects as a representative of Kosovo. This has enabled me to expand my network with people of diverse backgrounds. Moreover, I have recently been selected as a Young European Attaché for Western Balkans, and I will have this tenure for 3 years.  I am currently pursuing my studies in French Language and Literature at ...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - HELENA ARNAUTOVIĆ: Uspjeh je biti pravedan i slijediti svoj vlastiti put (Part 1/4)

  1) Draga Helena, za tebe vežemo motivaciju, sport, put po Evropi... Ali ko je zaista Helena, o čemu sanja, šta voli i čime se to ona sve bavi? Za čitaoce Bellspiration bloga, predstavi nam se, da te svi upoznamo. Hvala Belma, ne bih se osvrtala na diplome i titule jer smatram da smo ono što radimo svaki dan. Samim time, cijenim ljude koji aktivno rade na sebi   i  svojim ciljevima. Za sebe bih kratko rekla da sam osoba koja voli učiti, raditi,   sticati nova iskustva – razvijati se. Put oko Evrope je za mene bila idealna prilika (čitaj nagrada), nakon završenog postdiplomskog studija, da upoznam različite kulture, sisteme, ljude. Svaki novi grad je bio nova ćelija iskustva za mene – u doslovnom smislu. Putovanja su i dalje nešto što   volim   njegovati   koliko mogu, obzirom da sam i mama   č etverogodišnje djevojčice. J Ona je veliki učitelj i motivacija za mene.  Sport je i dalje neizostavni dio mog života, rekreativno naravno. Ponosni...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - HELENA ARNAUTOVIĆ: Success is being fair and following your own path (Part 1/4)

  1) Dear Helena, we tie motivation, sports, a trip around Europe to you ... But who is really Helena, what does she dream about, what does she love and what does she do? For the readers of the Bellspiration blog, introduce yourself to us, so that we can all get to know you. Thank you Belma, I would not look back on diplomas and titles because I think we are what we do every day. Therefore, I appreciate people who actively work on themselves and their goals. For myself, I would briefly say that I am a person who loves to learn, work, gain new experiences - to develop. The trip around Europe was an ideal opportunity for me (read the award), after completing my postgraduate studies, to get to know different cultures, systems, people. Each new city was a new whole of experience for me - literally. Traveling is still something I like to nurture as much as I can since I am also the mother of a four-year-old girl. ☺ She is a great teacher and a motivation for me. Sport is still an in...