
BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Emma Strenski, USA: Never be satisfied with the status quo! (Part 4/4)

1) Can you share with us what you have learned from your life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life?  For me, the biggest lesson has been that hard work does pay off, eventually. I have had to work really hard for everything I have achieved thus far in my life, nothing has really come easily for me. I am not as naturally smart as a lot of my peers, so I have always had to work extra hard in school to get good grades. And even after working hard, I still didn’t achieve the grades I had hoped to. But I kept working at it and pushing myself even harder to get where I wanted to be. I was also a student-athlete in college, I was a rower, and as with academics, I was not as naturally athletic as a lot of my friends and teammates. So, again, I just put it on myself to work harder and train more than my teammates to catch up and make up the gap. Even so, I had never felt like I truly excelled at anything in life, until I was award...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Ahmed Osmanović, BiH: Produktivnost čovjeka drži stabilnim! (Part 4/4)

1) Možeš li podijeliti s nama šta je to što si naučio iz dosadašnjeg životnog iskustva, a što smatraš jako bitnim za miran, sretan i uspješan život? Još uvijek se smatram relativno mladim da bih pričao o ovakvim stvarima i neću reći da znam pravi odgovor na ovo pitanje. Međutim, ono što mogu reći na osnovu svog dosadašnjeg iskustva, mislim da čovjek neprestano mora biti raditi na sebi. Produktivnost čovjeka drži stabilnim, a samim tim i sretnijim. Naučio sam da je važno izbjegavati pesimizam koji je, realno, prisutan svuda oko nas, a to je moguće ukoliko smo okruženi pozitivnim ljudima. Rečenica „Voli ono što radiš i radi ono što voliš.“ sigurno najbolje opisuje sretan i uspješan život. Bez obzira koliko smo dobri ili loši u onome čime se bavimo, ishod postaje nebitan kada uživamo u tome i to treba biti najvažnije.  2) Koja je tvoja inspirativna poruka za sve nas? Činjenica je da vrijeme brzo prolazi. Mislim da ne postoji starija osoba koja nam neće poručiti da život proleti u tren...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Joana Freitas, Portugal: Reach out to people even if it feels scary! (Part 4/4)

1) Can you share with us what you have learned from your life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life? There are many important things I carry with me but it all boils down to self-care, acceptance (of yourself and others), gratitude, and allowing yourself to be different. If I had to create a list of lessons or advice to myself, I think it would be this: Respect your own timing and allow yourself to fully live whatever phase/age you are going through, don't skip it because you were too worried about the past or the future, or else you might find yourself missing out on your own life; Remember that feelings are always valid but also temporary, allow yourself to feel them but make sure to let go too, so new ones can take over; Take the time to notice the good and joyful things around you and about yourself - yes, you are worth noticing too; Rest, stop and do nothing - those are also necessary; Accept that we all have a differ...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Katherine Meneses, Venezuela/Hungary: It is never too late to be awesome! (Part 4/4)

1) Can you share with us what you have learned from your life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life? Mmm... there are so many things that life has taught me; however, I can think of three things that recently have impacted me the most, firstly focus on what you can control; you will learn how to use your energy more efficiently. Secondly, hold yourself accountable; meaning that having a happy, peaceful and successful life is your and only your responsibility. It is not your partner, relatives, colleagues, or friend’s responsibility. Thirdly, being kind, at service to others, and showing appreciation are game-changers. Look for ways to be more kind, compassionate, and giving in your daily life. This can be something as small as brightening a stranger’s day with a smile or going out of your way to do a favor for a friend. It takes little effort from you and yet it can make someone's day. Try it. Be a hero for someone today ...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Sven Curiš, Croatia/Austrija: Radite ono što volite, vjerujte u sebe i ustrajte u svojim ciljevima! (Part 4/4)

1) Možeš li podijeliti s nama šta je to što si naučio iz dosadašnjeg životnog iskustva, a što smatraš jako bitnim za miran, sretan i uspješan život? Iz dosadašnjeg životnog iskustva mogu reći da ćete doživjeti svakakve trenutke. Ponekad će ići stvari super u životu, nekad ne baš… Zato bih želio poručiti da za dobar život trebaju ljudi prihvatiti činjenicu da neke stvari neće moći kontrolirati. Najvažnije je upravljati onim stvarima kojima znate da možete kontrolirati. Možda neće ići sve po planu, ali uvijek će se naći neki alternativni put prema ostvarenju planova koji može bit čak zanimljiviji od zamišljenog puta. 2) Koja je tvoja inspirativna poruka za sve nas? Vrlo je jednostavna: radite ono što volite, vjerujte u sebe i ustrajte u svojim ciljevima. Ako ne vjerujete u sebe, zašto bi itko drugi u vas vjerovao? 3) Bellspiration klub završava četvrti promotivni mjesec. Šta misliš o ovom klubu nakon mjesec dana promocije? Šta misliš o Bellspiration-u generalno i njegovom cilju promov...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Sven Curiš, Croatia/Austria: Do what you love, believe in yourself, and strive towards your goals! (Part 4/4)

1) Can you share with us what you have learned from life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life? From my life experience, I can tell that you’ll experience a lot of things. Sometimes everything will go excellently in life, sometimes not so much… For that reason, I’d like to tell you that in order to have a good life, people should accept the fact that they won’t control some things. Most important is to control what you know you can control. Maybe it won’t go as planned, but there’s always going to be an alternative way to fulfill your plans which may be even more interesting than the original plan. 2) What is your inspirational message for all of us? It’s very simple: do what you love, believe in yourself, and strive towards your goals. If you don’t believe in yourself, why is anyone else going to believe in you? 3) The Bellspiration Club ends its fourth promotional month. What do you think of this club after a month of promot...