Handbook by Belma Skopljaković: HOW TO START YOUR OWN BLOG - dealing with challenges!



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From the handbook HOW TO START YOUR OWN BLOG - Dealing with challenges such as lack of confidence, other people’s opinions, fear of blame & not being liked, creative blocks, and not being good enough:


To all creative human beings who believe in the joy of life and have the courage to be authentic
and express themselves!


I want to say thank you to the readers of the Bellspiration blog! My heart is overflowing with
gratitude. Thanks from the bottom of my heart!
Thanks to all the amazing people I had the chance to interview for the Bellspiration blog. You
created the content of this blog side by side with me. Some people deserve more than just a
thank you. Just like you! Thanks for everything.
Special thanks to my editor, Joan Phillips, for her insightful editing approach. I will forever be
grateful to you for your help. Thank you!
I want to express gratitude to my dear friend-blogger, Heather Shemery, for her critical review
and support. Your thoughtfulness always touches my heart. Thanks a ton for everything!
And I want to thank my dearest friends and family for their continued support and enthusiasm
for my work. I can never thank you enough for the things that you do for me. Your constant effort
to make me happy is highly appreciated. Thank you!

REVIEW by Heather Shemery

This is more than just a handbook on how to create a great blog. It's about finding confidence in
yourself to pursue a dream. Yes, Belma certainly has the knowledge and experience to help you
create an engaging blog that people will want to read. Even more so, she will encourage you to
chase your goals with courage and confidence. She shares her lived experience with you in a
way that empowers and emboldens. I would recommend this to anyone looking to set out on a
new journey that seems intimidating or uncertain. Everyone could take something from Belma's

Heather Shemery, USA

You don't always have to do what you are told, you know.

It’s good to have you here. If you desire to read this short handbook and you are interested in
what the title is promising, it makes me so happy! There is no better feeling for me than finding
like-minded people who empathize with each other without many words. Because of that, I want
to express my appreciation for you, my dear readers.
You are amazing, intelligent, beautiful, and loved, with enormous creative energy that can turn
plumb into gold. You are important. And you are no coincidence in this world like nothing here
If you have the desire to create, dream big, and set goals, I am writing this handbook to
encourage you to get started. I did it with Bellspiration. That is the reason why I know you can
do it, too. I will share my experience and the lessons I learned in this process of creating so that
you know you are not alone.
Everything starts with an idea! If you have it, that’s a big event in your life. I am a Bosnian, and
in my culture, gift-giving is very important when it comes to life events or expressing gratitude.
This is my gift to you. I hope you’ll like it!

Hugs and kisses,
Belma Skopljaković

Set your own rules!
Let’s start with the hardest one!
It really does take courage to freely be your true self in today’s world, where everyone has an
opinion about everything. Have you ever found yourself as a people pleaser, when you said yes
not meaning it, or you did something not wanting to do it? We all have done it. It is painful,
because, slowly, we are denying our identity, allowing ourselves to be shaped by others and
becoming somebody we do not recognize. Can you look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I like
you a lot, I am so proud of you?” Answer it to yourself.
Living your uniqueness takes courage, because, in order to do that, we must “let down”
everyone who does not accept our choices or respect our personality. What is happening is that
they “blackmail” you with their love: If you behave how I say so, I will love you. Isn’t that just
To me, the biggest inspiration in life is death—the only sure thing we know. So, how are you
going to spend this limited amount of time of your life? Dancing how others play, being
someone’s chair warmer, silence your own voice while knowing your own music is in you. You
are the center of your world—set your own rules; show up and dominate your life!
So, you want to start your blog, but… having some struggles? Let’s go to the next chapters and
bring your courage back!

Focus on yourself, not others!

"I never did this before, I’ll probably make tons of mistakes, and people will laugh at me! How do
I handle it?"

I am pretty strict about this; I don't believe in a negative critique that alleges Your work is
terrible. If you don't like my blog, keep it for yourself. If you have a concrete proposal on how to
better my work, feel free to share it with me PRIVATELY. That's respect and honest
help—everything else is just insulting. There's a difference. I usually say, “If you don't like it, click
that button and unfollow me. If you don't like me, do not look at my blog at all, okay? It's not that

Never complain, never explain!

It’s nice to have support, but if you don't, that's okay (I would say better). Everybody will find
themselves in moments without anyone, and you'll be the only one you can count on. So the
earlier you learn how to engage in conflict, the better. “The earlier you learn how to play by
yourself, the sooner you'll become an expert of the game.”
Just do your thing. With every blog you publish, your work improves. In the blink of an eye, you
may find yourself writing a handbook to others about how to start their own blog.


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