
STEFAN ŽIVKOVIĆ, Srbija: Moje iskustvo mi govori da postoji ljubav i prijateljstvo u internacionalnim projektima!

1. Dragi Stefane, da li bi se, za početak, predstavio našim Bellspiration čitaocima, da te svi bolje upoznamo? Zdravo svima, ja sam Stefan Živković, rodom iz Knjaževca, malog i prelepog gradića u istočnoj Srbiji (za koji često kažu da je Mala Venecija). Trenutno živim u Beogradu, gde radim kao projekt koordinator u Nacionalnoj organizaciji za retke bolesti Srbije (NORBS), savezu udruženja osoba od retkih bolesti, čiji je osnovni cilj poboljšanje položaja i kvaliteta života ove populacije. Pored toga, kao aktivista sam uključen u rad nekoliko nevladinih organizacija, koje se pre svega bave mladima i lokalnim razvojem. 2. Nedavno si bio domaćin webinara European Youth Goals. Reci nam nešto više o tome! Ja imam dojam da mladi još uvijek nisu svjesni moći i snage koju imaju u procesu donošenja odluka i kreiranja njihovog života, generalno. Šta ti misliš o tome, kakva su tvoja iskustva u radu sam mladima? Da, nedavno smo (sada je prošlo već mesec dana) održali webinar na temu Evrops...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - NIKOLA ĐORĐEVIĆ: The least I can do for myself is to make myself happy (Part 1/4)

  1) Dear Nikola, we tie writing, poetry, art to you ... But who is Nikola really, what does he dream about, what does he like and what does he do? For the readers of the Bellspiration blog, introduce yourself, so that we can all get to know you. It depends, sometimes I am the man who would conquer the world, and sometimes a man that would stand and look at the birds in their flight, at the people while they are talking, lives that exist unrelated with my life… Since I was a kid I wanted to do great things, I wanted people to know me, I wanted to bring more joy into their life and consolation that they are not alone.   Over time, I realized that art is the language I am speaking and that is my talent and bless that I use on my path. I believe that in life talents choose us and I’m happy that writing chose me. My task was to nurture my writing and over time I realized that writing is always here for me. I dream to live nicely doing what I love. Nothing spectacular but nothin...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - NIKOLA ĐORĐEVIĆ: Najmanje što mogu učiniti za sebe jeste to da učinim sebe srećnim (Part 1/4)

1) Dragi Nikola, za tebe vežemo pisanje, poeziju, umjetnost... Ali ko je zaista Nikola, o čemu sanja, šta voli i čime se to on sve bavi? Za čitaoce Bellspiration bloga, predstavi nam se, da te svi upoznamo. Zavisi, nekad sam čovek koji bi osvojio svet, a nekad čovek koji bi stajao i gledao   ptice u letu, ljude dok pričaju, živote koji postoje nevezano sa mojim životom ... Još kao mali sam hteo da radim velike stvari, da ljudi znaju za mene, da u njihove živote unesem što više radosti i utehe da nisu sami. Vremenom, shvatio sam da je umetnost jezik koji ja govorim i da je to moj talenat i blagoslov koji moram koristiti na svom putu. Verujem da u životu talenti biraju nas i ja sam srećan što je pisanje odabralo mene. Moj zadatak je bio da negujem svoje pisanje i vremenom sam shvatio da je ono tu uvek za mene.   Sanjam da lepo živim radeći ono što volim. Ništa spektakularno ali i ništa skromno. Mislim da je najmanje što mogu učiniti za sebe jeste to da učinim sebe srećnim. ...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - STEFAN STOJANOVIĆ: Success is when we choose to see beauty when it is difficult to see beauty (Part 1/4)

  1) Dear Stefan, we associate film, art, activism with you... But who is Stefan really, what does he dream about, what does he like and what does he do? For the readers of the Bellspiration blog, introduce yourself so that we can all get to know you. Stefan is a 26-year-old director, screenwriter, writer, friend, traveler, explorer of famous and hidden places, empath, lover of dogs, ice cream, and sunset. A passionate fan of adventures, parks, trees, cycling, tennis, long walks in nature, along lakes and forests, but also architectural paradises such as Milan, Rome, and Madrid. An advocate of openness of heart and mind and continuous self-growth and development. An admirer of the freedom of spirit and mind and the authenticity of being. Someone who likes to admire the grandeur and simplicity of life in its simplest details. Someone who is lucky and privileged to have realized many of his dreams experienced indescribable beauties and wonders in all aspects of his professional and...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - STEFAN STOJANOVIĆ: Uspeh je kad biramo da vidimo lepotu onda kad je lepotu teško videti (Part 1/4)

  1) Dragi Stefane, za tebe vežemo film, umjetnost, aktivizam... Ali ko je zaista Stefan, o čemu sanja, šta voli i čime se to on sve bavi? Za čitaoce Bellspiration bloga, predstavi nam se, da te svi upoznamo. Stefan je 26-o godi šnji reditelj, scenarista, pisac, prijatelj, putnik, istraživač poznatih i skrivenih mesta, empata, ljubitelj pasa, sladoleda i zalazaka sunca. Strastveni fan avantura, parkova, drveća, biciklizma, tenisa, dugih šetnji po prirodi, uz jezera i šume, ali i arhitektonskim rajevima poput Milana, Rima i Madrida. Zagovornik otvorenosti srca i uma i neprekidnog samorasta i razvoja. Obožavalac slobode duha i uma i autentičnosti bića. Neko ko voli da se divi grandioznosti i jednostavnosti života u njegovim najjednostavnijim detaljima. Neko ko ima sreću i privilegiju da je ostvario mnoge svoje snove, iskusio neopisive lepote i divote u svim aspektima svog profesionalnog i privatnog života. Neko ko ima mane, ko se i plaši i greši i doživljava i neuspehe, ali nastoji...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - MILA MIHAJLOVIĆ: I only dream of love and I have an idea of achieving the equality of all living beings (Part 1/4)

  1)Dear Mila, for you, we tie books, writing, you are one of the youngest authors from our space...But who is actually Mila, what she loves and what does she do? For readers of Bellspiration, introduce yourself to us, so all of us can meet you. Dear, primarily I would like to thank you for this beautiful opportunity to share one abstract of my life and my creation with your, even more beautiful, followers. Exactly, for me, people, when it comes to the skills in general, they tie nice writing to me, artist’s freedom in expression, contemporary  literature and describing this crazy time in which all of us have found. But, who am I exactly, I will tell you now. I am Mila, whose soul was created as a product of the love of two beings, and my name represents the wish of my late grandmother that everyone sees me as one nice person, cheerful spirit and beautiful faces, and that wish came true, but not in the eyes of all, but in the eyes of those who see things from a real angle. I...