
BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Elida Korać: If I had to describe myself, in short it would be - a restless dreamer (Part 1/4)

1) Dear Elida, you are a very special soul for me... But who is really Elida, what does she dream about, what does she love and what does she do? For the readers of the Bellspiration blog, introduce yourself to us, so that we can all get to know you. First of all, I want to thank you for your kind invitation to be a part of this wonderful club, with an even more wonderful mission. Also, my biggest thanks to North Macedonia,  which allowed us to meet and connect, a few years ago :)  If I had to describe myself, in short, it would be - a restless dreamer. Must add that I am a perfectionist (sometimes exaggerating)  huuuuge art and animal lover, and I am loving to spend time resting in nature. I can not imagine myself away from good people, laughter, and the sun. I am an eternal child, who manages to successfully resist the grown-up, with whom she has to live every day. But we get along pretty fine :)  As a little, I had a habit to keep a bunch of papers in front of me ...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Elida Korać: Ako bih morala sebe opisati, u najkraćem bi to bilo – neumorni sanjar (Part 1/4)

1)  Draga Elida, za mene si mnogo posebna duša... Ali ko je zaista Elida, o čemu sanja, šta voli i čime se to ona sve bavi? Za čitaoce Bellspiration bloga, predstavi nam se, da te svi upoznamo. Prije svega, hvala ti na pozivu da budem dio ovog  divnog kluba  sa još ljepšom misijom. I hvala Sjevernoj Makedoniji koja nas je spojila prije nekoliko godina  Ako bih morala sebe opisati, u najkraćem bi to bilo – neumorni sanjar. Uz to sam i perfekcionista (nekad  pretjerani ), ooogromni ljubitelj umjetnosti, životinja, odmora u prirodi. Ne mogu bez dobrih ljudi, smijeha i sunca. Vječito sam dijete koje uspiješno odolijeva odrasloj osobi sa kojom mora da živi svakog dana. Ali se lijepo slažemo.    Kao jako mala imala sam naviku da ispred sebe držim  gomilu papira i čitam neke vijesti koje sam u tom trenutku vjerovatno izmislila  Uvijek sam bila učesnik brojnih školskih  priredbi, sekcija, pjevala u horu  Gimnazije… (šteta što pjev...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - IVANA ŠĆEPANOVIĆ: Things that I’ve learned and that I think are important (Part 4/4)

1) Can you share with us what you have learned from your life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life? Things I've learned that I think are important: 1. Love is everything. Live love and do everything out of love. Everything that is not love, leave immediately, and do not give your time to anything that does not smell like love. Life is so short that you don't have time to spend energy and hours on a job you don't like, people who are (un)love... 2. Love yourself the most in the world and talk to yourself and inspire yourself and rise because you will often be the only one who will believe in yourself and be able to rise while you have fallen a million times. 3. Do not judge anything that you have not survived or walked that path. Everyone is trying in their own way to cope with this noisy commotion of life. 4. Be grateful for everything you are, who you are, and what you have. For every part of your imperfect body,...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - IVANA ŠĆEPANOVIĆ: Stvari koje sam naučila i koje mislim da su važne (Part 4/4)

  1) Možeš li podijeliti s nama šta je to što si naučio/la iz dosadašnjeg životnog iskustva, a što smatraš jako bitnim za miran, sretan i uspješan život? Stvari koje sam naučila i koje mislim da su važne:  1. Ljubav je sve. Živi ljubav i radi sve iz ljubavi. Sve što nije ljubav, odmah ostavi i ne daj svoje vrijeme ničemu što ne miriše na ljubav. Život je toliko kratak da nemaš vremena da trošiš energiju i sate na posao koji ne voliš, ljude koji su (ne)ljubav...  2. Voli sebe najviše na svijetu i pričaj sebi i nadahnjuj sebe i podiži se jer često ćeš biti jedini koji ćeš vjerovati u sebe i moći se dići dok si padao milion puta.  3.Ne sudi ništa što nisi preživio ni hodio tim putem. Svako se trudi na svoj način da se izbori sa ovim bučnim komešanjem života.  4. Budi zahvalan za sve što si, ko si i sta imaš. Za svaki dio svog neperfektnog tijela, za svaki otkucaj srca i za sve ljude u svom životu... Budi zahvalan i slikaj slike srcem.  5. Budi ponosan na svo...

Anis Benabed, France/Ukraine: I speak 13 languages & 9 of them are advanced with proficiency levels!

1. Hi Anis, how are you?  I am good thank you, just I am a lot of things & the preparation for the 12 edition of the international summit of foreign languages & cultures & the 12 international Festival of Languages & Culture 2021 as well. 2. I would kindly ask you to introduce yourself to the Bellspiration readers? Well, my name is Anis, I am Algerian Ukrainian, a young scientist & leader, living in France & Romania & I am doing currently my PhD, I finished both my Bachelor & Master’s with honors in Oil & Gas Engineering, I finished previously a bachelor in 2013 Architecture & town planning and international relations & as well. Indeed, I speak approximately 13 languages & 9 of them are advanced with proficiency levels “English-French-Russian-Ukrainian-Italian-Portuguese-Romanian-Swedish-Arabic-German-Polish-Japenese-Spanish”. I have been involved in many international projects as a research participant, organizer, chair moderator ...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - 3rd promotional month: Meet our new members!

  The 3rd promotional month of the Bellspiration Club Meet our members - new five of the Bellspiration Club, the first club of successful and inspirational young people in B&H, region, and the world. Enjoy the stories of our members next month and get inspired! And don't forget - be Bellspirative ❤