
Slobodanka Bobana Dabović Đurić: Jedna od mojih najvećih želja je da svjetlost pretvorim u zvučni talas!

1. Zdravo Bobana, kako si u ovo vrijeme pandemije? Za početak, iako si vrlo poznata u svojoj zemlji, možeš li se predstaviti čitaocima Bellspiration bloga koji dolaze iz ostatka regiona, ali i čitavog svijeta - da te svi upoznamo? Kompozitorka klasične i filmske muzike koja je oduvijek vjerovala  u ono što je čovječanstvu nevidljivo i neopipljivo. Jedna od njenih najvećih želja je da svjetlost pretvori u zvučni talas. U životu se vodi sledećim: “Ko tebe kamenom, ti njega ‘lebom” i “Sve što vidimo je sijenka onoga što ne vidimo.”  2. Ti si jedna od najmlađih crnogorskih kompozitorki! Da li se sjećaš trenutka kada si shvatila da je muzika nešto čime želiš da se baviš?  Oduvijek sam znala da će umjetnost  biti moj poziv. Još kao dijete sam pokazivala sklonost ka kreativnosti, voljela sam da slikam i sebi pravim kostime za maskenbal. Ipak, na kraju sam se najviše pronašla u kompoziciji tj. stvaranju muzičkih djela.  3. Možeš li podijeliti s nama kakva magija se deša...

BELLSPIRATION REVIEWS: Impressions of the Bellspiration Club members

  "Here you can read Bellspiration reviews of some of the Bellspiration Club members. They mentioned what impact it made on them, how they feel, what they think about it in general and its place in the world. Thank you all so much - we appreciate you tremendously!" Belma Skopljaković

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Nela Banjić: Svijeća ne gubi ništa kada zapali drugu svijeću! (Part 4/4)

1) Možeš li podijeliti s nama šta je to što si naučila iz dosadašnjeg životnog iskustva, a što smatraš jako bitnim za miran, sretan i uspješan život? Iz dosadašnjeg životnog iskustva sam naučila dosta toga. Prvo, naučila sam da ljude ne možeš promijeniti ako oni to ne žele. Možete dati sve od sebe, svaki atom snage i imati maksimalno strpljenja da promijenite nekoga na bolje, ali ako ta osoba ne želi da se promijeni - uzalud sve. Bilo je teško na početku prihvatiti tu spoznaju, jer sam se uvijek pitala zašto bi neko izbjegavao bolju verziju sebe, ali onda sam shvatila da svako živi u svojoj realnosti i sa svojim uvjerenjima. Kada sam počela to poštovati, moj život se kompletno promijenio. Svu snagu koju sam pružala drugoj osobi kako bi izgradio sebe, pružila sam sama sebi. I danas sam postala najbolja verzija sebe, a nadam se da ću tu verziju svako malo podignuti na većem stupnju. Danas sa ponosnom mogu reći da sam usvojila frazu “ne možeš nikoga promijeniti, mo...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Tania Gonzalez: It’s totally normal to feel lost in life! (Part 4/4)

1) Can you share with us what you have learned from your life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life? So here’s where the story of my white hairs comes into play. I’m not in the slightest bit old but this roller coaster ride called life is an adventure we are all on and there’s really no specific way to buckle up for it. We have to fall in life, we have to feel pain. Sometimes we have to suffer in order to appreciate or see the value in our ‘small’ blessings. I really appreciate a good meal because I know what it feels like to be hungry. I appreciate a cold glass of water because I know what it feels like to be thirsty. The “lows” can be our greatest lessons in life so that we learn to value the “highs” in life.  It’s okay to not be living your “best life” right now. Your not-so-best life at this moment can be someone’s dream life. No matter where you are mentally, physically, and spiritually, always strive to be the best y...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - DESANTILA MURIQI: Do not be afraid to love and be loved, it is the key to everything! (Part 4/4)

1) Can you share with us what you have learned from your life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life? I will answer this question very briefly… love! Love the people around you! Love what you do!  Love who you are, and who you want to become! Do not be afraid to love and be loved, it is the key to everything! 2) What is your inspirational message for all of us? “Don't Just Don't just learn, experience. Don't just read, absorb. Don't just change, transform. Don't just relate, advocate. Don't just promise, prove. Don't just criticize, encourage. Don't just think, ponder. Don't just take, give. Don't just see, feel. Don’t just dream, do. Don't just hear, listen. Don't just talk, act. Don't just tell, show. Don't just exist, live.” Roy T. Bennett,  The Light in the Heart 3) The Bellspiration Club ends the second month of its work with this interview. What do you think...

Manuel Lavoriero, Italy: I love being on stage! It gives me energy, an electrical feeling – a feeling of being alive!

1. Hi Manuel, how are you? I would kindly ask you to introduce yourself to the Bellspiration readers? Hello everyone! I am doing great, thanks! Thank you for the opportunity to express my ideas here! My name is Manuel Lavoriero. I am from a town called Bolzano in the mountain region of South Tyrol in Northern Italy. I speak German, Italian, English and a little bit of French. I studied Journalism and Media Management in Vienna, earning a BA in 2019. I worked as a journalist/intern for various newspapers and TV channels in both Austria and Italy. I am currently an MA student in Journalism and Communication Science at the University of Vienna. I love to play the piano. I play different genres, but mainly classical and modern. I also like to compose music. In addition, I write slam poetry pieces for the stage. Sadly, due to corona, there have not been any shows lately, but as soon as the situation improves, I hope to be on stage again! 2. You are a slam poet! When did you start with that?...