
BELLSPIRATION CLUB - 3rd promotional month: Meet our new members!

  The 3rd promotional month of the Bellspiration Club Meet our members - new five of the Bellspiration Club, the first club of successful and inspirational young people in B&H, region, and the world. Enjoy the stories of our members next month and get inspired! And don't forget - be Bellspirative ❤ 

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - IVANA ŠĆEPANOVIĆ: A lot has changed in Saudi Arabia in the last 5 years since I’ve been here (Part 3/4)

1)Ivana, you are currently in Saudi Arabia. Could you make your life where you are now closer in comparison to our, Balkan life? It has changed a lot in Saudi Arabia in the last 5 years since I've been here. From one very closed country to a country that has opened doors to tourists and new things.  Things that we are watching on TV and that we hear of are not true at all. When I left honestly I was going in some fear exactly because of how the UAE was represented in the media. I expected that I needed to waive a lot of things. But when I came, I saw that media and news articles were just an empty story. I’ve met gorgeous people with big hearts who held to their culture and tradition. In today’s time when all of us are losing our culture and tradition, they succeeded to save theirs and let them be just… Their culture, amenities, food, everything is mystical. Abaye clothes that Saudi Arabian women are wearing is something most comfortable that I have ever worn and that I’m wearing.

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - IVANA ŠĆEPANOVIĆ: Dosta toga se promijenilo u Saudijskoj Arabiji u zadnjih 5 godina otkako sam ovdje (Part 3/4)

1) Ivana, ti si sada u Saudijskoj Arabiji. Možeš li nam približiti život tu gdje si sad u odnosu na naš balkanski?   Dosta toga se promijenilo u Saudijskoj Arabiji u zadnjih 5 godina otkako sam ovdje. Od jedne poprilično zatvorene zemlje do zemlje koja je otvorila vrata turistima i novim stvarima. Stvari koje gledamo na TV-u i slušamo uopće nisu istinite. Kad sam otišla, iskreno, sam išla u nekom strahu zbog toga kako je bila predstavljena u medijima. Očekivala sam da ću morati puno toga da se odreknem. Ali kada sam došla, vidjela sam da su mediji i novinski članci samo prazna priča. Upoznala sam divne ljude velikog srca koji drže do svoje kulture i tradicije. U današnje vrijeme kad svi gubimo svoju kulturu i tradiciju, oni su uspjeli sačuvati svoju i neka su. Njihova kultura, običaji, hrana... sve im je mistično. Abaje odjeća koje nose Sudijske žene je nešto najudobnije što sam ikad nosila i nosim. I najlakše se srediti sa Abajom možeš pidžamu ispod nositi, a abaju obučeš i tip-top

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - NIKOLA ĐORĐEVIĆ: Zvanično za Bellspiration objavljujem da ja moju knjigu imam spremnu! (Part 2/4)

  1) Ti si jedan od mojih najdražih pjesnika jer toliko lijepo pišeš o ljubavi i emocijama. Možeš li nam približiti i opisati šta se to događa u jednom pjesniku kad emocije pretvara u stihove? Da li je to neka vrsta magije? Pre svega, hvala! Čast mi je biti tvoj najdraži pesnik. Ja verujem da jeste deo magije, verujem i u to da je i to nešto što je u meni, nešto što mi je na rođenju prineto uz blagoslov i magija koju ja moram da čuvam i negujem. Verujem da je moj zadatak da radim ovo što radim. Nekada čak kažem, ja ne pišem, ja samo objašnjavam nekim ljudima da nisu sami i usamljeni. U isto vreme dolazim i do drugih ljudi kojima je možda bilo potrebno da baš čuju po neku lepu reč od nekoga koga nikoga nisu videli u životu. Ja verujem i slažem se sa tobom, to je magija koju imam u sebi. 2) Mnoge generacije na našem Balkanu su odrasle sa uvjerenjima da muškarci ne smiju da plaču, da je pokazivanje emocija slabost, da je teško reći “volim te” itd. Ali nema ništa ljepše od toga da mlad

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - NIKOLA ĐORĐEVIĆ: Officially for the Bellspiration, I announce that I have my book ready! (Part 2/4)

  1) You are one of my favorite poets because you write so beautifully about love and emotions. Can you bring us closer and describe what happens in a poet when he turns emotions into verses? Is it some kind of magic? Primarily, thank you! It’s my honor to be your favorite poet. I believe that it’s part of the magic, I also believe that it is also something that is in me, something that was brought to me at birth with the blessing and magic that I have to keep and nurture. I believe that my task is to do what I do. Sometimes I even say, I don’t write, I just explain to some people that they are not alone and lonely. At the same time, I come to other people who may have needed to hear a nice word from someone they have never seen in their lives. I believe and agree with you, that is the magic I have in me. 2) Many generations in our Balkans have grown up with the belief that men must not cry, that showing emotions is a weakness, that it is hard to say "I love you", etc. Bu

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - MIHAIL DIVJAKOSKI: I was 5km out of Trakai, in a wooden house in a forest with around 30 people from other countries (Part 2/4)

For the countless time in the past year and a half during my 6 projects, thank you for everything  @erasmusslife 1) Dear Mihail, you have experience with the Erasmus+ youth exchange. Can you explain to us how important it is in general, to travel and share experiences? Erasmus+ as a program offers tons of experiences and methods where youngsters can learn new cultures, explore the world, learn stuff, widen their horizons, and so on. My first cross with Erasmus+ was in 2017 when as a volunteer in the Youth Council- Prilep, I was able to apply and go on a Youth Exchange in Lithuania. At first, it was scary, getting ready for a country I never thought I’d visit, with people from other countries, but at the same time it was really fun, the thought was exciting, trying something new and fresh, getting into something new. My mom was much more scared than me, she was sending me to a country without knowing where Lithuania is on the world map. The next thing I knew, I was 5km out of Trakai, i