
Xhorxhina Molla, Albania/Italy: I’m passionate about the Balkan region, its history, culture, and different traditions!

1. Hi Xhorxhina, how are you? I would kindly ask you to introduce yourself to the Bellspiration readers? Hi everybody! First of all, thank you, Belma for inviting me to your inspiring blog. I must say that you are doing a great job! As for myself, I’m Xhorxhina Molla, I was born in a poor village in Albania but my family and I moved to Italy when I was only two years old to seek better economic conditions. I am a 24-years-old MA student of International Relations for Eastern Europe (MIREES) at the University of Bologna, Italy, currently doing my Erasmus exchange in Zagreb, Croatia. I am a board member at FOMOSO, an independent and non-profit organization that promotes opinion-forming about Central-Eastern and Southeastern Europe. I am also a writing contributor at the online journal Lossi 36, where I mainly provide analysis of the Balkan region. I love studying and learning new languages and other cultures, as I think one is the reflection of the other. So far, I can speak Albanian, It

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Burak Gün: Sometimes we get obsessed with our tasks and lose our health or people who are important to us! (Part 4/4)

1) Can you share with us what you have learned from your life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life? Oh, this is indeed a hard one to answer! Obviously, health above all… It matters more than anything else at the end of the day. Plus, the presence of loved ones is also quite important thing. When I say presence, it’s not only physically, but also emotionally: even if you are in far countries or cities, a call may be a reason for warming your heart — or even without a call, knowing that your loved ones are fine, healthy and happy; this is something boosting your internal peace and happiness too! As a third factor for overall happiness, I’d say a nice working (or studying) environment. Work or studies are where we spend most of our time, so a nice, respectful and positive atmosphere is super important in this regard. I think these are all together contributing to the success… Success itself is an accomplishment (of an aim), but

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Elida Korać: Less worry about things over which you have no control or influence at all! (Part 4/4)

1) Can you share with us what you have learned from life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life? Less worry about things over which you have no control or influence at all. Lesson number 1, not because it is the most important, but because I have repeated this to myself so many times. :) It is also important that you focus your energy on what truly fulfills you, on what only pleases you, and what you really want. To try not to overthink that much, to not make things way much ’’bigger’’ in your head… I wish I had thought much less about my thoughts before, I would have spared myself unrealistic worries :) It is also very important to be good to yourself. Literally. I admit that as the years pass by I try harder and harder to be better to myself. To praise, to encourage, to reward myself. To find something good in both failures and mistakes. Thanks to that, it is much easier for me to move on without any lamentation, in all life

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Elida Korać: Manje brini o stvarima nad kojima nemaš uopšte kontrolu niti uticaj! (Part 4/4)

1) Možeš li podijeliti s nama šta je to što si naučila iz dosadašnjeg životnog iskustva, a što smatraš jako bitnim za miran, sretan i uspješan život? Manje brini o stvarima nad kojima nemaš uopšte kontrolu niti uticaj. Lekcija broj 1, ne zato jer je najvažnija već zato što sam ovo sebi mnogo puta ponovila.:) Važno je i da svoju energiju usmjeravate na ono što vas ispunjava, na ono što isključivo vama prija i što istinski želite. Da pokušate da oslobodite sebe pretjeranog razmišljanja, preispitivanja, predimenzioniranja stvari….Voljela bih da sam ranije mnogo manje razmišljala o svojim mislima, poštedjela bih sebe nerealnih briga :) Jako je bitno i da  budete dobri prema sebi. Doslovno. Priznajem da kako godine prolaze sve se više  trudim  da budem bolja prema sebi. Da  pohvalim, ohrabrim, nagradim sebe. Da pronalazim nešto dobro i u neuspjesima i greškama. Zahvaljujući tome,  mnogo lakše mi je da nastavim dalje bez ikakvog lamentiranja, u životnim situacijama koje se nijesu odvijale on

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Michael Clark: People, really, are the most fascinating things! (Part 4/4)

1) Can you share with us what you have learned from your life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life? I’m definitely always learning and I can’t pretend that I’ve got it all figured out! I don’t think anyone ever really does. I think one thing I have learned though is that it’s not all down to me, I don’t have the fate of the world in my hands (thankfully!) and what I can control is simply how I respond to what’s going on around me. I personally believe that God has his plans for me and it is reassuring for me to know that there is something bigger than me. Apart from that, I think that for me relationship and community is one of the most important things. Of course I have my dream jobs, places I want to travel to, and all sorts of things I would love to accomplish, but whatever happens, for me to be loved and secure with my friends and family can make the disappointments bearable. I also love my dog and he helps a lot! When it

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Tania Gonzalez: I believe emotions in pictures are essential! (Part 3/4)

1)  Dear Tania, you are a photographer! When it all started?  You know how they say, “Hindsight is 20/20”? Well, that is definitely how I feel when I look back at the beginning of my photography journey. Why? Because my photography journey started because of Bosnia! It’s so clear to me now that the path I was taking about 8 years ago would lead me to my biggest passions in life. So let me explain, I had just said yes to doing my first cultural exchange trip to Bosnia and Hercegovina and I needed to start raising funds to get all my expenses covered. One of my cousins was in need of a wedding photographer so I connected her to one but she didn’t like his work. I shared the situation with one of my leaders for the cultural exchange trip and she shared that she’d been wanting to start photography for a while and would definitely love to give it a try with my cousin. Her plan was to offer to take my cousin's engagement pictures and if she liked how the photos came out then she would ca