
MIHAIL DIVJAKOSKI: Youth activism is kind of a lifestyle!

1. Dear Mihail, would you, please, introduce yourself to the Bellspiration readers? Hello to everyone! My name is Mihail Divjakoski, and I live in a small village called Krusheani, which is between Prilep and Krushevo, the south-western part of North Macedonia. I am a 4th-year student at the Faculty of Economics- Prilep.   2. You are coming from North Macedonia, but you also lived in Split, Croatia, for a few months during your student exchange. Tell us more about that experience! Did you like it and would you like to move somewhere else?   Omg yes! The fact that the Faculty where I study is just around 20km away from my home and in my whole bachelor studies I didn’t really get the chance to experience the real student life was part of the reason why I decided to do Erasmus Studies. I applied, and everything went by so fast, and the next thing I knew was me getting on the bus to Croatia. I love traveling so much, I have been to 9 short Erasmus projects all around Europe and th...

MORGAN JANOWICZ: I fight for respect for every human being on our planet!

  1. Hi dear Morgan! Would you, please, introduce yourself   to the Bellspiration readers? With pleasure! My name is Morgan, I'm 23 years old, and I come from Poland. I am currently studying Computer Science at Collegium Da Vinci in Poznań, Poland, and International Business at the University of Applied Science in Turku, Finland. I am very interested in Business and programming, but my greatest passion are human rights. I am a committed activist, and I fight for respect for every human being on our planet. I am convinced that we are all equal, which is why I am against any discrimination. I'm involved in LGBTQ+ activities in Poland and the world. I am also an environmental activist, and I work on the creation of intercultural dialogue. I'm a member of the political party, The Greens. At the moment, I am working with Ms. Dr. Sylwia Spurek, MEP, on her latest campaign, "Trzymam stronę kobiet", which aims to draw attention to the problem of violence against women i...

ARSA ZOGAJ: I really get motive from my parents and my aunt

1. Dear Arsa, would you, please, introduce yourself to the Bellspiration readers? Hello, my name is Arsa, I’m Albanian and I come from Kosovo. I am twenty years old and I study mathematics at the ‘’University of Pristina’’. Besides this, I have a passion for literature, language and I love spending time outside in nature. Përdit’20 Positivity challenge 2. Your caption won in the Positivity challenge in the category as The most interesting caption – Congratulations!   What inspired you for writing that caption? Usually, when I write captions or something similar, I try to find a meaningful word and then just add a few others to create a simple sentence yet interesting.   But in this case, I was out of ideas, then I started searching in google for pumpkins till I saw that name ‘’kabocha’’. It was the word that I needed. 3. What motivates you in life? As cliché as it may sound, I really get motive from my parents and my aunt. I know that if I achieve something, they ...

GUGLIELMO MIGLIORI: Pursue your passion, follow your dreams, and don’t surrender!

1.       Hi Guglielmo, how are you? Could you, please, introduce yourself   to the Bellspiration readers? Despite this tremendous period, I’m fine, thanks. My name is Guglielmo Migliori, I’m 24 (although my backpain makes me feel 50+) and I’m Italian. I’m currently enrolled in a Master’s Degree in International Relations and Eastern European Affairs at The University of Bologna, with a focus on energy and Arctic geopolitics. My biggest passions are music, politics, travels, I write for East Journal magazine, and play the guitar in a punk/metal band named Beyler Bey. 2.       You are coming from Italy, but you also lived in Russia. What are your impressions of these countries – what is the main difference between them, in your opinion? As you said, I had the possibility to live in the Russian Federation for almost a year thanks to two university exchanges: exactly one year ago I was based in St Petersburg, while afterward, I mo...

BARBARA BOLTIŠ: Motivira me boravak u prirodi

1. Draga Barbara, zamolila bih te da se predstaviš čitaocima Bellspiration bloga? Opiši nam ko je zaista Barbara? Dragi čitatelji, moje ime je Barbara Boltiš, studentica sam pete godine studija Komunikologije na Fakultetu Hrvatskih studija u Zagrebu. Iako studij koji pohađam zahtijeva elokventnost pri govoru i spretnost u javnom nastupu, za mene to predstavlja određenu prepreku. Često ne mogu sklopiti u trenutku rečenicu koja će ispravno izaći iz mojih usta, stoga mi je pisanje bliža i draža opcija komuniciranja sa svijetom oko sebe. Stoga sam se prije tri godine odvažila na pokretanje svog bloga   . Najbrojniji dio tekstova su svojevrsni putopisi, dok je ostatak posvećen mojim razmišljanjima u obliku crtica. Osim pisanja na svojem blogu, radila sam i radim kao content writer. Pisala sam o temama vezanim za hrvatski turizam usmjerenim prema američkom tržištu, a sada pišem o obrazovanju i programima razmjene u inozemstvu. Budući da sam peta godina fakulteta, preostalo vrijeme stud...

MILA MIHAJLOVIĆ: Poručila bih svima da se bore za svoje snove!

   1. Draga Mila, iako si mnogima već poznata, molim te, predstavi se ukratko čitaocima Bellspiration bloga? Ko je zaista Mila? Zdravo svima, ja sam Mila i ja sam samo jedna devojka koja sni i koja veruje da je ljubav najjača sila ovog univerzuma, koja nas međusobno spaja i povezuje, ali i pored toga što snim, ne gubim dodir sa realnošću. Izuzetno volim da pišem, jer smatram da putem pisanja mi naša osećanja ostavljamo na milost i nemilost budućem vremenu u kojem će ona možda biti čitana i na taj način sačuvana od zaborava. Pored toga, aktivista sam za ljudska prava, gde fokus u svom radu u tom polju stavljam na ženska prava-feministkinja sam i borac za pravdu. Ponekad umem biti stroga i striktna, ali sam zapravo jedna mekana duša za koju vam ne treba puno vremena da je otkrijete. Obožavam ples i politiku. 2. Jako si mlada, ali možeš li nam navesti neka od svojih najvećih postignuća do sada? Verujem da nečije godine ne mogu da definišu njegove mentalne i fizičke sposobno...