
Prikazuju se postovi od prosinac, 2020

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - STEFAN STOJANOVIĆ: Success is when we choose to see beauty when it is difficult to see beauty (Part 1/4)

  1) Dear Stefan, we associate film, art, activism with you... But who is Stefan really, what does he dream about, what does he like and what does he do? For the readers of the Bellspiration blog, introduce yourself so that we can all get to know you. Stefan is a 26-year-old director, screenwriter, writer, friend, traveler, explorer of famous and hidden places, empath, lover of dogs, ice cream, and sunset. A passionate fan of adventures, parks, trees, cycling, tennis, long walks in nature, along lakes and forests, but also architectural paradises such as Milan, Rome, and Madrid. An advocate of openness of heart and mind and continuous self-growth and development. An admirer of the freedom of spirit and mind and the authenticity of being. Someone who likes to admire the grandeur and simplicity of life in its simplest details. Someone who is lucky and privileged to have realized many of his dreams experienced indescribable beauties and wonders in all aspects of his professional and...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - STEFAN STOJANOVIĆ: Uspeh je kad biramo da vidimo lepotu onda kad je lepotu teško videti (Part 1/4)

  1) Dragi Stefane, za tebe vežemo film, umjetnost, aktivizam... Ali ko je zaista Stefan, o čemu sanja, šta voli i čime se to on sve bavi? Za čitaoce Bellspiration bloga, predstavi nam se, da te svi upoznamo. Stefan je 26-o godi šnji reditelj, scenarista, pisac, prijatelj, putnik, istraživač poznatih i skrivenih mesta, empata, ljubitelj pasa, sladoleda i zalazaka sunca. Strastveni fan avantura, parkova, drveća, biciklizma, tenisa, dugih šetnji po prirodi, uz jezera i šume, ali i arhitektonskim rajevima poput Milana, Rima i Madrida. Zagovornik otvorenosti srca i uma i neprekidnog samorasta i razvoja. Obožavalac slobode duha i uma i autentičnosti bića. Neko ko voli da se divi grandioznosti i jednostavnosti života u njegovim najjednostavnijim detaljima. Neko ko ima sreću i privilegiju da je ostvario mnoge svoje snove, iskusio neopisive lepote i divote u svim aspektima svog profesionalnog i privatnog života. Neko ko ima mane, ko se i plaši i greši i doživljava i neuspehe, ali nastoji...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - MILA MIHAJLOVIĆ: I only dream of love and I have an idea of achieving the equality of all living beings (Part 1/4)

  1)Dear Mila, for you, we tie books, writing, you are one of the youngest authors from our space...But who is actually Mila, what she loves and what does she do? For readers of Bellspiration, introduce yourself to us, so all of us can meet you. Dear, primarily I would like to thank you for this beautiful opportunity to share one abstract of my life and my creation with your, even more beautiful, followers. Exactly, for me, people, when it comes to the skills in general, they tie nice writing to me, artist’s freedom in expression, contemporary  literature and describing this crazy time in which all of us have found. But, who am I exactly, I will tell you now. I am Mila, whose soul was created as a product of the love of two beings, and my name represents the wish of my late grandmother that everyone sees me as one nice person, cheerful spirit and beautiful faces, and that wish came true, but not in the eyes of all, but in the eyes of those who see things from a real angle. I...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - MILA MIHAJLOVIĆ: Ja jedino sanjam o ljubavi i imam ideju o ostvarenju jednakosti svih živih bića (Part 1/4)

  1) Draga Mila, za tebe vežemo knjige, pisanje, jedna si od najmlađih autora sa naših prostora... Ali ko je zaista Mila, o čemu sanja, šta voli i čime se to ona sve bavi? Za čitaoce Bellspiration bloga, predstavi nam se, da te svi upoznamo. Draga, pre svega bih želela da ti se zahvalim na ovoj divnoj prilici da sa tvojim još divnijim pratiocima podelim jedan sažetak mog života i mog stvaranja. Tačno, za mene ljudi, što se generalno tiče veština, vezuju lepo pisanje, umetničku slobodu pri izražavanju, savremenu književnost i opisivanje ovog suludog doba u kom smo se svi našli. Elem, ko sam ja u potpunosti, sad cu ti reći... Ja sam Mila, čija je duša nastala kao produkt ljubavi dva bića, a moje ime predstavlja želju moje pokojne bake da me svi vide kao jednu milu osobu, vedra duha i lepa lica, i ta njena želja se ostvarila, samo ne u očima svih, nego u očima onih koji stvari sagledavaju iz jednog realnog ugla. Ja sam jedna mlada žena koja se neprekidno bori za izjednačenje položaj...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - IVANA ŠĆEPANOVIĆ: I am a proud owner of 5,000 books that I nurture as if they are a part of me (Part 1/4)

  Cairo, Egypt 1) Dear Ivana, we tie inspiration, planes, the sky to you... But who is really Ivana, what does she dream about, what does she love and what does she do? For the readers of the Bellspiration blog, introduce yourself, so that we can all get to know you. Ivana is still one of those girls who are looking at the world like it is a miracle and she is still rejoicing every day because she knows that every day brings something new. New lecture, new memory, a new friend, or a new book that I’m going to read. Every time I get lost in clouds and figures of clouds are dancing the prettiest dances. As a stewardess, I always bring luggage with me. When I get up and when I'm packing my luggage, I put all of my dreams and hopes into it and I impatiently wait where this day is going to take me to. And the books that are my first love - one of them is always hiding in my luggage. I am a proud owner of 5000 books which I nurture the same as they are part of me. Recently I turned 28....

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - IVANA ŠĆEPANOVIĆ: Ponosna sam vlasnica 5000 knjiga koje njegujem kao da su dio mene (Part 1/4)

Cairo, Egypt 1) Draga Ivana, za tebe vežemo inspiraciju, avione, nebo... Ali ko je zaista Ivana, o čemu sanja, šta voli i čime se to ona sve bavi? Za čitaoce Bellspiration bloga, predstavi nam se, da te svi upoznamo. Ivana je još jedna djevojčica koja i dalje gleda svijet sa čudom i raduje se svakom danu jer zna da svaki dan donosi nešto novo. Novu lekciju, novu uspomenu, novog prijatelja ili novu knjigu koju ću pročitati. Svaki put se izgubim u oblacima i figure oblaka plešu najljepše plesove. Kao stjuardesa uvijek nosim kofer sa sobom. Kad ustanem i kada pakujem kofer, u njega stavim sve svoje snove i nade i nestrpljivo čekam gdje će me današnji dan odvesti. I knjige koje su moja prva ljubav - uvijek se jedna krije u mom koferu. Ponosna sam vlasnica 5000 knjiga koje njegujem kao da su dio mene. Nedavno sam napunila svoj 28i rođendan. 28 godina! Trudim se da svaki svoj rođendan proslavim sa dragim ljudima i da uvijek budem slobodna par dana. Jer sam takva osoba koja vjeruje da se ro...

LEAH MUSHEGAN, USA/BiH: My favorite Bosnian foods might be sirnica, and of course, ćevapi!

  1. Hi Leah, how are you? I would kindly ask you to introduce yourself to the Bellspiration readers? Hi!   My name is Leah and I’ve been living in BiH for 3 years.   I grew up in California until the age of 14 when my family moved to Oklahoma.   I also lived in Texas for a few years while I was working on my master’s degree.   I have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a master’s degree in Counseling.   I’ve spent most of my counseling career working with children and teenagers in schools.   I’ve never been married and don’t have children, but I have a mom and dad and two sisters, living in the States. 2. You are coming from the USA. Now you live in Bosnia and Herzegovina! Can you tell us how do you like it here? What things you like the most? Do you have favorite Bosnian food? Was it hard to adapt to the Bosnian way of living? I have truly loved my time in BiH!   Mostly, I love the people, the culture, and the beautiful country.   W...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - Arnela Islamović: Moja poruka je da uvijek pratimo svoju intuiciju (Part 4/4)

  1) Možeš li podijeliti s nama šta je to što si naučio/la iz dosadašnjeg životnog iskustva, a što smatraš jako bitnim za miran, sretan i uspješan život? Sve što prolazimo u raznim iskustvima nas oblikuje u ličnost kakvu želimo i trebamo postati. Ja smatram da su me vlastita iskustva naučila da pronađem harmoniju, odnosno balans u svim sferama. 8h rada, 8h spavanja, 8h za nas. 2) Koja je tvoja inspirativna poruka za sve nas? Moja poruka je da uvijek pratimo svoju intuiciju i slušamo svoje emocije koje su jezik kojim duša komunicira. Ništa s ovog svijeta nećemo ponijeti, stoga je važno biti ponizan, jednostavan i skroman. Zahvalnost i zadovoljstvo su moji temelji života. 3) Bellspiration klub ovim intervjuom završava prvi mjesec svog rada. Šta misliš o ovom klubu nakon mjesec dana promocije? Šta misliš o Bellspiration-u generalno i njegovom cilju promovisanja rada i djela mladih ljudi? Bellspiration je kreativna i unikatna ideja koja kao pčela, pronalazi u svemu nešto lije...

BELLSPIRATION CLUB - the 2nd promotional month: Introducing 7 new members of the Club

The 2nd promotional month of the Bellspiration Club Meet our members - the new seven of the Bellspiration Club, the first club of successful and inspirational young people in B&H and the region. Enjoy the stories of our members next month and get inspired! And don't forget - be Bellspirative ❤  FOLLOW US: Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn -

ANAS MANNANKADIYAN NAMMANATH, India/Poland: Young people are in the front line of the future!

1. Hello Anas! I would kindly ask you to introduce yourself to the Bellspiration readers? Hi, my name is Anas. I am a European Solidarity Corps Volunteer for EuroDemos Youth Mobility NGO since October. I am an Indian/Polish young person who sees a lot of future in the sector. When I started my path in participating in Erasmus+ and mobility projects, I couldn't imagine that another door was about to open up for me as an ESC Volunteer abroad.  2. What do you think about youth activism? How important it is nowadays? What is your experience? I am working on a wave of Youth 4 Action Project, and just like all other projects, this one is also having a holistic system that I enjoy all the time because you are learning things from experience. My role here is to promote the activity of mobility and participating in developing workshops for young people in the region, especially during this crisis. Also, I am learning the lifestyle and culture of this region as a person who lives here in...

Media partners of Bellspiration: Mreža za izgradnju mira i Snaga

Today I would like to proudly announce that Bellspiration has the media support of the Mreža za izgradnju mira / Network for Building Peace and the Snaga lokalnog - Mreža za izgradnju mira , SnagaLokalnog . The stories and interviews of my Bellspiration Club members will be promoted on the mentioned portals because these wonderful young people deserve all the attention of this world! THANK YOU!!! And Bellspiration will continue to grow! *** bos. Danas želim da s ponosom objavim da Bellspiration zvanično ima medijsku podršku portala Mreža za izgradnju mira / Network for Building Peace i Snaga lokalnog - Mreža za izgradnju mira . Priče i intervjui mojih članova Bellspiration kluba će biti promovisani na pomenutim portalima, jer ovi divni mladi ljudi zaslužuju svu pažnju ovog svijeta! HVALA!!! A Bellspiration će nastaviti dalje da raste! #bellspirationclub #bellspiration